We are seeking applications for a 24 months Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari”, University of Bologna, starting in November 2023.

The Fellowship will run in the framework of the ERC STG project SUPER (SUpramolecularly engineered functional PERovskite quantum wells) and can be renewed for the entire duration of the project https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101040681.

The research activity will involve the study of the self-assembling patterns of functional metal halide perovskite semiconductors with the elucidation of their supramolecular architecture through solid state NMR spectroscopy.

We preferably seek applications from candidates with solid background in NMR spectroscopy. Previous experience in the field of perovskites is positively evaluated but it is not a compulsory requirement.

Application deadline: 5 January 2024.

The detailed job description can be found at this link: https://bandi.unibo.it/ricerca/assegni-ricerca?id_bando=67347

For further information please contact the project coordinator Daniele Cortecchia at the address daniele.cortecchia2@unibo.it