XLVIII National Congress on Magnetic Resonance


L’Aquila, September 11-13 2019 





Accommodation is NOT included in the registration fee except for young researchers recipient of an Attendance Grant, for whom accommodation is provided by the organizing committee. The remaining participants are kindly invited to book their own hotel rooms

Download the Hotels list in PDF pdfIcon


HOTELS Distance (1) (km) Webpage Phone

Price euro/night (2)

Double room single use (DUS) with Breakfast

Hotel Amiternum 2 http://www.hotelamiternum.it 0862-315757 50
Hotel Canadian 2 http://www.canadianhotel.it 0862-317402 50
Hotel Azzurro 3 http://www.hotelazzurro.it 0862-318054 50
Hotel Compagnia Viaggiatore 3 http://lnx.compagniadelviaggiatore.it 0862-313627 58
Hotel Dimora del Baco 3 http://www.ladimoradelbaco.it 0862-322509 100
Hotel Porta Rivera 5 http://www.portariverahostel.it 0862-316120 40 without breakfast
Hotel 99 Cannelle 5 http://www.hotel99cannelle.it 0862-401979 60
Hotel Castello 6 http://www.hotelcastelloaq.com 0862-419147 70
Hotel Federico II 6 http://hotelfedericosecondo.it 0862-21191 60
Hotel San Michele 6 http://www.stmichelehotel.it 0862-420260 60
Hotel L’Aquila 6 https://www.hotel-aquila.com 0862-581237 59
Magione Papale Relais 10 http://www.magionepapale.it 0862-414983 80

(1) From Hotel to University, Via Vetoio 46, L’Aquila

(2) For booking, please, reefer to: “Offerta Congresso GIDRM September 2019, c/o Università dell’Aquila, Prof. Alecci”